Donors : A Future Without Poverty, Inc.
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Future Without Poverty, Inc.

Working Mission Statement: “Building Global Sustainable Communities.”

Working Vision Statement: A Future without poverty is working together with communities creating opportunities, providing resources and empowering people in a continual journey to eliminate poverty. Together we are promoting thriving communities globally with adequate opportunities for work, access to education, adequate healthcare, clean running water, nutritious food, comfortable shelter, and an hospitable environment where there exists a sense of security for everyone. A Future without Poverty is committed to working with the unique needs of each community, supporting that community as it grows in all areas of sustainability; Education, Enterprise, Environment and Empowerment and providing the tools needed for individuals and communities to decide their own destiny.

I would like to make a contribution to Future Without Poverty, Inc. I understand that my contribution will be used to help Future Without Poverty fulfill its mission.

First Name: ________________________ Last Name: _________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________ Country ____________________

City _____________________________ State or province ___________ Zip or postal code _____________

E-mail ___________________________ Phone __________________________________

Every size gift is welcomed; even a few dollars can make a difference in a person’s life. Please make checks out to Future Without Poverty. Future Without Poverty is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization and all contributions are tax deductible

I have enclosed a donation of $ _____________

Examples of some of the requests we now have:

For a donation of $20 we can install a water tap in a home

For a donation of $50 we can buy seed for a market garden

For a donation of $100 we can buy an incubator to hatch eggs

For a donation of $250 we can buy the chickens needed to start a chicken farm

For a donation of $500 we can buy the breeding stock for a fish farm

For a donation of $1,000 we can provide a solar electric plant for a school in Mexico (we have requests for 250 schools)

For a donation of $2,500 we can install a spring water system (we have hundreds of requests)

For a donation of $5,000 we can build a fish tank to provide food and jobs (we have requests to build 300 tanks)

For a donation of $20,000 we can build a school in Haiti

For a donation of $10,000 we can build a sustainable Aqua/Agra farm project (we have 50 requests)

For a donation of $50,000 we can start a Bio Diesel plant to create jobs and help clean up the environment (we have requests to build four plants)

For a donation of $150,000 we can start a chicken cooperative in Haiti

For a donation of $250,000 we can begin an asparagus growers association and create jobs for one

hundred people in the next five years

Send your donation to: FWOP Box 73 Ripley, Ohio 45167 or make a donation on line via Paypal.

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